Learn about COVID-19 testing | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

2022-09-24 03:21:35 By : Ms. Susan Song

This webpage has information about different types of COVID-19 tests, what test results mean, and what to do after you get your test result. 

Looking for a test? Visit our Find a COVID-19 test webpage.

Jump to: Why get tested | Who should get tested | What to do if you test positive | Types of COVID-19 tests | Taking a rapid test | What to do once you have your rapid test result | COVID-19 testing and children: tips for parents

It is important to layer strategies to protect ourselves, loved ones, and community from COVID-19. In Colorado, it’s easy to get a free, fast, and safe COVID-19 test. By getting tested, Coloradans can help slow the spread of COVID-19.

Testing is also essential to get lifesaving COVID-19 medicine. If you test positive or think you might have COVID-19, you may be able to get medicine to help you recover. This medicine works best if it’s taken within a few days of when you first felt symptoms or tested positive. It’s important to get medicine fast to lower your risk of serious illness. Learn more about medicine for COVID-19.

Anyone who wants a test should get one. 

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, which can feel like a cold, you should get tested as soon as possible, even if you’ve received all recommended doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Follow instructions on how to isolate until you feel better.

If you have been around someone who has COVID-19, you should get tested at least five full days after you were exposed, even if you have received all recommended doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.Quarantine is no longer required for the general public following an exposure. (Some people may need to quarantine depending on where they live or work.) 

However, you should still take precautions following your exposure, including wearing a mask when around others, avoiding places where you cannot wear a mask, and taking extra precautions if you may be around others at high risk for severe disease. You should also monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 for a full 10 days following your exposure. If you start to feel symptoms, take a test and isolate while you wait for results.

You may need to test before and/or after traveling. Check CDC’s travel guidance for more information.

If you test positive for COVID-19, follow instructions on how to isolate. 

You may be able to get treatment to help you recover from COVID-19. This can help keep you from getting seriously sick and keep you out of the hospital. Learn more about treatment for COVID-19.

If you used an at-home test, you can report your positive result using our web portal.

If you have Exposure Notifications enabled on your phone, report your positive result in the service to anonymously alert your recent close contacts that they were exposed.

Federal law requires up to two weeks paid leave for those who work for employers with fewer than 500 employees (though some employers with 50 or fewer employees may be exempt). The Colorado Health Emergency Leave with Pay Rules (“Colorado HELP Rules”) adds coverage for workers as well.

There are many resources available to help you if you need to isolate, including personal financial help and help with getting food.

There are many types of COVID-19 tests. 

Some tests tell you if you are currently infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. These tests are often called viral or diagnostic tests. Other tests tell you if you may have been infected in the past. These tests are often called serologic or antibody tests. They use a blood sample to test for antibodies or cells from your immune system.

Some tests must be sent to a lab to get results. Other tests can be taken at a local clinic, pharmacy, or at home without being sent to a lab.

After you have taken a rapid test, it may be best in some circumstances to take another test to confirm your result.

Some rapid tests are designed to be used one after the other (also known as serial testing). Follow repeat testing instructions as indicated on the test packaging or consider taking a second test 24 to 48 hours after the first if you have multiple tests available. If you test negative multiple times in a row, it is more likely that you are not infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.

Some people who take a rapid test may wish to take a lab-based test as well to confirm their results. Rapid tests may rarely result in false negatives or false positives, though this is less likely when serial testing is used. Taking a more sensitive test can help you confirm that you do or do not have COVID-19.

Consider whether or not you have symptoms, whether you’ve recently had close contact with someone who has COVID-19, and the local COVID-19 community level when deciding whether or not to retest. 

Use the chart below to find out if retesting is recommended for you. If you need to retest, you should get a PCR test within 48 hours of your rapid test.

Rapid Antigen Test Result  (e.g., BinaxNow, iHealth, etc.)

At least one risk factor

You may have COVID-19 even if you don’t have symptoms, but it is less likely if you had no recent exposure and community levels are low. If your rapid test came back positive and you are at low risk, we recommend confirming your test result with a more sensitive PCR test. 

Find a testing site near you. 

If your PCR test is POSITIVE, you have COVID-19 and need to begin isolation.  If your PCR test is NEGATIVE, you do not have COVID-19 and do need to isolate.

Getting a lab-based test is not necessary. This positive result means you have COVID-19. You should isolate yourself away from others.

Getting a lab-based test is not necessary. You likely do not have COVID-19. However, you may take another rapid antigen test 48 hours later to confirm your negative result.

If you have symptoms, it is possible that you had a false negative on your rapid test and have COVID-19. We recommend getting a lab-based test to confirm your rapid test results.

Find a testing site near you. 

If your PCR test is POSITIVE, begin isolation. If your PCR test is NEGATIVE, you do not need to isolate. If you are sick with another illness, we recommend staying home until you feel better.

Children of all ages can get tested for COVID-19. However, some tests and providers may only be authorized to test children above a certain age. 

All 22 of our free community testing sites test children of all ages, including babies. Pre-registration is strongly recommended before arriving at the testing site. These testing sites use laboratory tests, which means they collect samples and send them to a lab to see if they contain genetic material from the COVID-19 virus. Getting results may take a few days. Laboratory tests can take either a sample from the nose (nasal swab) or from the mouth (saliva sample).

As of now, no rapid at-home (antigen) tests have been authorized by the FDA for use in children under two years of age. Parents of children under 14 years of age should help their child use the test kit. Children under 14 should not use rapid test kits on their own. If you have rapid tests in your home, make sure to store them safely away from the reach of children. The liquid solution included in the kit is not intended for consumption or contact with the skin. It can be harmful if swallowed or if it comes in contact with the skin or the eyes. 

If you are taking your child to get tested for COVID-19, support them by helping them prepare. The best way to prepare your child for testing is explaining what they can expect at the appointment. This video can help you learn how to prepare your child for a nasal swab test.

Media line (for media only): 303-900-2849 

CO-HELP -  Colorado’s call line for general questions about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), providing answers in many languages including English, Spanish (Español), Mandarin (普通话) and more.  Call  303-389-1687 or (877) 462-2911.

COVID-19 related issues and concerns

Request a website change - Please see the above contact information for non-website issues. IMPORTANT: If you have symptoms and think you have been exposed, call a health care provider.

OnwardCO.org – One-stop resource for Coloradans impacted by job loss to connect with life essentials, training, and jobs.

Colorado Crisis Services - Free, confidential, professional, and immediate support for any mental health, substance use, or emotional concern, 24/7/365.   Call 1-844-493-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 38255 to speak to a trained professional.

211 Colorado -  Confidential and multilingual service connecting people to vital resources across the state.   Call 2-11 or (866) 760-6489    Text your ZIP CODE to 898-211.

Colorado Emergency Management: Facebook | Twitter

Governor's Office: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram 

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